Fodder Link on Display
Cameron, Neil and Mikaela braved the cold to catch up with all our Growers and Buyers willing to do the same to take in the spectacle that was FarmFest in recent weeks. Toowoomba saw some 640 exhibitors descend on the region to showcase everything Agriculture for 3 days. The team at the Fodder Link stand enjoyed talking to a vast number of people on topics ranging from the coming season, to building hay sheds, to testing a silage bunk after feral pigs had ripped into it. Whilst also keeping up with the demand for balloons from all the kids on their way past.
Topics of Conversation over the days
Cameron was able to source some high-quality Southern product to display as core samples, “Allowing people to see and smell the product, really allows them to see the quality that we are seeing on a daily basis”. Displaying each core sample with its feed test results, brings a connection between product and nutritional parameters, allowing not only growers but the public into the forefront of the Fodder Link business.
Neil, one of our Queensland based inspectors, had the opportunity to talk to many of our existing Growers about how the season is shaping up for them and what their plans are for the new season. A major theme amongst most growers was that recent rain events had delayed planting. Boggy paddocks are making it impossible to plant without machinery sinking, so many growers are choosing to wait until its dry enough.
Cameron and Neil also had the opportunity to talk to many prospective new Growers, who dropped in to say hello. We are looking forward to building these new relationship. While Mikaela, our Feed Testing officer, enjoyed talking everything feed testing to all those looking to better understand the products they have on hand, after looking at the samples we had on display.
Fodder Link is looking for new sources of New Season Cereal Hay, Straw and Lucerne Hay. Please contact us on 1800 363 337 to list your product.