
Elmore Fodder Festival

Fodder Link Launch the Grower Inspection App

The AFIA Fodder Festival at Elmore VIC, attracted hundreds of growers and livestock produces from across the Southern States for the first agricultural field day in several months. Innovation was a continual theme this year, with presentations running all-day, showcasing new products and businesses from across Australia. Cameron, Steve and Brooke attended the event, and thoroughly enjoyed interacting with the public after a difficult year of restrictions and border closures.

Increasing Sale Opportunities in Trying Times

The concept of myFodderLink was created for the purpose of supplying growers with an accurate,time-efficient, self-sufficient app that verifies,and lists product specifications catered to buyer requirements.

Fodder Link believe it was the ideal time to launch such a product, as growers were limited in their ability to have product inspected due to border closures and restrictions. It was also a safety conscious effort to prevent farmers coming into contact with traveling staff.

The harvesting displays attracted a large crowd,where the public could catch a glimpse of how different machines operated in the field, and how different techniques affect product quality. It was impressive to see the care and attention put towards sustainability and quality.

Ben Atherton
Author: Ben Atherton