National Hay Safe Day 2021

National Hay Safe Day

25th October 2021

Today is Hay Safety Day, and with harvest and baling well underway, now is an important time to remember that safety is key, especially with many producers feeling the pinch to get the best quality hay off the ground. The Fodder Link team would like to reinstate that no matter how large or valuable a crop is, risking injury is not worth it.

Here are a few safety rules to keep in mind during harvest and baling:
– When working with balers, remember that the flywheel will keep the machine operational for several minutes
after the power is disengaged.
– If work is required under a baler, block or lock the rear
tail gate to ensure it doesn’t fall closed.
– When moving bales, ensure your tractors load rating
exceeds the weight of the bales and that the attachment, forks, or hay spike is appropriate for the type of bales that are been moved.
– Establish safe loading and unloading zones.
– Take care when stacking and handling, as bales are generally positioned above the centre of gravity of the
tractor, which is more likely to cause roll-overs.
– When transporting hay on the road, know your bale weights and be sure not to overload. Tie bales down
securely and drive safely.

Due to the unpredictability of the weather, with recent rain events being a good reminder, it is also important to monitor and lower the risk of stack fires.
– Ensure that hay is cured fully prior to baling.
– Don’t over stack your hay in the shed. Ensure there is room between stack rows and the roof. Doing so will allow air circulation, helping to reduce moisture.
– Moisture check bales prior to shedding. Separate high
moisture bales as required.

Brooke Gossow
Author: Brooke Gossow