Batch 41124

Commodity: Single Species Hay

Species: Lucerne

Grade: Prime


Batch Details

Bale Quantity: 189
Bale Weight: 640
Tonnes: 120.96
Bale Sizes: 8X4X3 Large Squares|
Storage: Shedded
Top Moisture: 17.2
Bottom Moisture: 9
Average Moisture: 13.1

Feed Test Results

Moisture: 8.93
Dry Matter: 91.07
ME higgs: 9.72
CP: 18.09
WSC (Sugar): 10.25
ADF: 35.07
aNDF: 44.97
RFV: 127
RFQ: 151.99

Additional Data

Visual Colour Percentage: > 80%
Visual Leaf Retention: Very Leafy and Excellent
Visual Leaf Texture: Soft
Visual Smell: Sweet
Visual Stem Width: 5mm or less
Visual Cutting Stage: Before or at flowering
Visual Weeds: 1-5%
Weed Species: Hairy Panic and ryegrass
Visual Contaminants: None Observed
Contaminate Details:
Visual Flag Leaf: 1-5%
Visual Staining: No Staining
Chopped: No
Conditioned: Yes
Year of Harvest: 2024
Month of Harvest: Dec
Rain Exposure: No
Rain Stage:
Rain mls:
Notes: Premium line of 1st cut lucerne. This is a first cut off first stand. There is a little bit of ryegrass/hairy panic though less than 2% would estimate. Incredible green colour and nice and leafy. Smell is sweet and hits the back of your throat. Well stacked and presented in a great location. Nice heavy bales averaging 640kg+.
Organic: No
Inspection Date: 2025-01-14
Visual Moulding: No Mould
Visual Spotting: No Spotting